Omnivore Movie Night Combo

$ 20.00
Spiced Salt Blend:


Looking to reinvent home movie night? Or just want to satisfy your snack craving? This robust varietal from our friends, Llano Seco, is one of the best poppers. These large kernels are tender and sweet in flavor. 

Making popcorn at home is easy on the stove top: Add a thin layer of cooking oil such as sunflower, or coconut oil to the bottom of a 4 quart pot, sprinkle in 1/2 cup of corn kernels and cover. Be sure to shake it every 30 seconds or so - listen and wait for the kernels to burst. When popping has reached  height and then slowed down, you're good to go. Add your butter or ghee and whichever blend your in the mood for;  OMNIVORE SALT enjoy the simplicity with a touch of sea salt, fennel and a hit of black and red chili pepper. OMNIVORE LIMONE - Best to infuse this in your butter or ghee before drizzling it over your popcorn to activate the lemon zest and herbs, and OMNIVORE PORCINI get a burst of umami and savory flavors only mushrooms can impart.

Included in our movie combo:

  • 1 - 1 lb bag of Llano Seco popcorn
  • 1 - 6 oz bag of OMNIVORE SALT or LIMONE or 4 oz bag of PORCINI